About me

I'm Touhidul Islam Chayan, a software engineer specializing in front-end development, UI/UX design, and machine learning. I have experience with independent international clients and full-time jobs, honing my skills in various technologies.

My expertise is in JavaScript, with a focus on front-end development using Next.JS and Vite with Sass or Tailwind CSS. For back-end development, I use Node.JS and its frameworks, including Express.JS and Nest.JS. Additionally, I'm a skilled UI/UX designer, creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.

In the field of machine learning, I have experience with deep learning and pre-trained models. I've published research on IEEE in the computer vision field, where I used these techniques to predict glaucoma with an accuracy of 94.71% and its explanation.

What i'm doing

  • design icon

    UI/UX design

    The most modern and high-quality design made at a professional level.

  • Web development icon

    Frontend development

    High-quality frontend development of sites at the professional level.

  • mobile app icon

    Backend development

    Professional backend development of applications in JavaScript.

  • camera icon

    Machine Learning

    I specialize in developing high-quality machine learning applications.


  • Masru Ahmed Rafi

    Masru Ahmed Rafi

    CEO & Co-Founder of BanBase & AD-IQ

    Touhidul Islam Chayan, has been employed by AD-IQ and later on Ban Base and as an UI/UX Designer & Software Engineer from Jan 2021 to MAY 2022. Mr. Chayan consistently exhibited professionalism, dedication, and a strong work ethic during their tenure with our company. They made valuable contributions to our projects and demonstrated excellent problem-solving abilities. We extend our sincere appreciation for Mr. Chayan's valuable contributions to Banbase during their employment. Their technical expertise and teamwork have been instrumental in our company's success. We extend our best wishes to Mr. Chayan for their future endeavors and highly recommend them for any future opportunities they may pursue without reservation.

  • Rayeean Shafkat

    Rayeean Shafkat

    CEO & Co-Founder of DDAD

    This is to certify that Touhidul Islam Chayan, resident of 24/4 Green Road, Staff- Quarter, Dhaka 1205, has shown exemplary work performance in the IT and Marketing Division of Dokane Dokane AD. We have found Mr. Chayan to be sincere, dedicated and honest during his working period and we him all the success he deserves in the futre.

  • M. Shabbir Ali

    M. Shabbir Ali

    Director, Group-HR, City Group

    Touhidul Islam Chayan served as a dedicated ML & Software Engineer in City Group's AD-IQ department from 2022 to 2023, making significant contributions. His notable achievements include spearheading the creation of the AD-IQ UI and developing its admin and client panels, alongside other applications incorporating ML. Touhidul consistently displayed strong problem-solving skills and a commitment to delivering high-quality solutions. His tenure at City Group showcased his technical proficiency and passion for excellence. I confidently recommend Touhidul for any challenging software engineering role based on his valuable contributions and dedication during his time with the company.


  • mindshare logo
  • city group logo
  • ad-iq logo
  • yunuscenter logo
  • yystudio logo
  • yyventure logo
  • boorning platform logo
  • banbase logo



  1. Sir Sandford Fleming College

    2023 — 2025

    PGD in School of Business and IT (Wireless Information Networking)

  2. BRAC University

    2017 — 2022

    Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

  3. Dhaka City College

    2014 — 2016

    Higher Secondary Certificate in Science

  4. Mohammadpur Model School & College

    2010 — 2014

    Secondary School Certificate in Science


  1. OonkoO

    Co-Founder & CTO

    2023 — Present
  2. City Group

    ML & Software Engineer

    2022 — 2023

    • Developed an Android app with React Native with a custom playlist API built on Mongo DB and a server with Node.JS. The API sends different states for the online and offline versions.
    • Built a quick solution in a project of FMCG Retail Store Screen AD, Rooted android TV, and auto launched the app for ready product solution with 3rd party monitoring system.
    • Built an API with Python (Flask) to collect ML model data.
    • Radiology chest diseases Detection and DICOM file viewer for Asgar Ali hospital medicalprone.com (UI + Frontend) and DICOM Viewer (with JS on a open-source lib)
    • Working on the front-end in production with TypeScript (Next.JS 12 & 13 --experimental) with → pixel perfect custom Server side and Client side TSX components, API Integration, Custom Loader, multi step form with business logics, framer motion animation and etc.
    • Working on the backend with Node.JS (Nest.JS) → User Auth with validation pipes and JWT, CRUD API, Custom repository with business logics, Postgres with TypeORM with DTOs, Custom Query Logics.
    • Live project : client.ad-iq.comusername - [email protected], password - 12345678

  3. Ban Base, YY Ventures

    UI/UX & Software Engineer

    2021 — 2022

    • Built Client-based UI and Frontend Development with React.JS, Material UI and axios.
    • Built Backend with Express.JS for REST API with CRUD operation.
    • Created the whole UI with UX interactive prototype with Adobe XD.
    • 3D elements for custom react components with Blender and Spline.
    • UI demo - ⁍ Ban-Base Static Site Yunus-Center-UI SDI-HR-Automation
    Elegant & Homes 3Zero-Club-System Impact-Hub-Dhaka

  4. The Boring Platform

    UI/UX Designer & Software Engineer

    2021 — 2021

    • Built in-house cash-cow software Frontend Development with React.JS, Material UI and fetch with a team of two member (I and my Lead developer).
    • Created the whole UI with UX with Adobe XD
    • UI demo - ⁍ AD-IQ Project Mind Share - Bill-Board Project DDAD-System

My Tech-Stack

  1. Front-end

    • HTML5
    • Javascript (React.JS, Next.JS)
    • CSS (TailwindCSS, Sass)

  2. Back-end

    • Node.JS, Express.JS, Nest.JS
    • Python (Flask)
    • Database (Postgres, SQL, MongoDB) with TypeORM

  3. Web Design

    • Figma
    • Adobe XD
    • Protopie

  4. Artifical Intelligence

    • Deep Learning Models
    • Computer Vision (CNN, FCDNN)
    • TensorFlow
    • XAI Framworks (Lime, Shap)

My Skill-Sets

  • UI/UX design
  • Frontend Development
  • Backend Developement
  • Machine Learning



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